Welfare and Child Protection
The Glasgow West End Fencing Club is primarily an adult club, however, fencers of all ages are welcome to join our training sessions. Please note that we are unable to provide supervision outside the training session, and children under 13 must be supervised during training by a parent or guardian.
We follow Scottish Fencing's and the British Fencing Association's Welfare and Child Protection and anti-bullying policies. Please do not hesitate to contact our club Welfare Officer (welfare@glasgowfencing.com) or any member of the committee if you have further questions or concerns.
Club coaches are required to be registered and to follow the BFA Coaches Code of Conduct. The club complies with child protection legislation in the recruitment of coaches and training for officials.
Fencers training at the club are required to follow the BFA Fencer's Code of Conduct.
For full details of the various governing agency policies please refer to British Fencing's General Policies page.