Scottish Open 2016 (again)
Event Date:
2016-10-15 Scottish Fencing has recently announced that the next Scottish Open will be held on the weekend of 15th/16th Oct. (Previously the Scottish Open was usually held on the first weekend in January.)
So this is your chance to enter the second Scottish Open of 2016. Please note that entry has now closed, late entry may be available.
See below for a link to the event's website.
Note that since entry has now closed, check-in times have now been posted on the event website.
- Saturday
- 0830-0900 Men's Epee check-in; fencing starts 0915
- 1000-1030 Men's Sabre check-in; fencing starts 1045
- 1100-1130 Women's Sabre check-in; fencing starts 1145
- Sunday
- 0830-0900 Men's Foil check-in; fencing starts 0915
- 0900-0930 Women's Foil check-in; fencing starts 0945
- 1100-1130 Women's Epee check-in; fencing starts 1145
Oriam, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS